Large logo for chillin games with tentacles coming out Small logo of the c and g from chilling games with tentacles coming out
Screen shot of latest game: Rehibilitation


When the corporations abandon the desert and law is no longer enforced, one man will take on the criminals... for some reason. Check out the current project CG is working on: Rehibilitation.

Ominous A.I.


Can't get enough of the Corps world? Read through some of the short stories that take place in that universe to hold you over till the next entry!

a dancing pixel art ant


Though only a beginner at the beautiful world of pixel art, lots are needed to make games. Explore all the CG originals and feel free to ask for free usage.

pixel art ellie walking


Explore other projects that CG has worked on. From the humble beginning of a silly text adventure featuring the dude, to a space shooter with multiple bosses!

The indie video game dev company: chillin games